Welcome to Shepherd of the Valley
December, 2023
You will find a connection card in the announcement folder, please fill out as much information as you are comfortable sharing, so we know how to welcome you, contact you and/or pray for you. Ushers will pick them up during the service.
ACTIVITY BAGS for children under age ten are in the cabinet in the lobby. One of our ushers would be happy to provide one for your child upon request and then please return them at the end of service.
FRONT PEWS ARE RESERVED for those who have trouble coming up to the Altar for communion, please feel free to sit in the front rows. Speaking of sitting, we stand at times during our services, please stand or sit as you are comfortable.
STAY CONNECTED: If you would like to be added to our prayer chain, phone tree, email, announcements, newsletter, please contace the office.
JANUARY BIRTHDAY LUNCH - GREEN ONION: Everyone is welcome! Please come and join us! Tuesday, January 2nd at 12 p.m. Lunches are $14.00 person from the lunch menu plus $1.00 for each Birthday person present. Hope to see you there!
WOMEN OF FAITH BIBLE STUDY: Meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 6:00 pm in the Hall. We are on break for the holidays and will be returning January 4th.
ADOPT-A-ROAD CLEAN UP: Our next scheduled Adopt-A-Road clean-up is on January 6th 8 a.m. We will be meeting at Indian and Manzanita. Hope you can make it!
SUNDAY ADULT BIBLE STUDY meets every other Sunday at 10:45am in the Fellowship Hall. Our next meeting will be January 7th.
BRAILLE MAIL: Volunteers are needed to help assemble large-print Lutheran Hour sermons on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in the Hall at 7:30 am. If interested or want more info, please contact Laurie White for more info. Our next meeting will be on January 11th.
GROWING IN GRACE BIBLE STUDY meets every other Sunday at 10:45am in the Fellowship Hall. Our next meeting will be January 14th.
GRIEF SUPPORT: Our next meeting will be on January 8th.
LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF QUILTERS: Meets on the 4th Saturday of the month. Our next meeting will be Saturday, January 27th at 9 am in the hall. Come join the fun!
CHRISTMAS COOKIE EXCHANGE AND BIBLE BINGO: We give a big thank you to those who planned and put together this event. We hope to have many more fellowship opportunities in the future. If you have any suggestions, (chili cookoff, miniature golf, bowling, movie night, fellowship game day…) please let Pastor, an elder or the office know.
Let’s enjoy each other in fellowship, as brothers and sisters in Christ’s family.
CHILI COOKOFF: Our next FELOWSHIP EVENT is coming soon! We will be having a chili cookoff on January 20th. Please watch for details and sign up sheets! Hope to see you there!
MORENO VALLEY WOMEN’S HEALTH CENTER would like to thank everybody who participated in the bottle campaign, "Change for Life."
PRAYER CHAIN: We are asking that all prayer requests come through the office. Please call your prayers into the office at (951) 924-4688 or email them to prayers@svlcmoval.net or to the pastor directly at pastor@svlcmoval.net.
RECYCLE: Please save your aluminum cans & plastic recyclable bottles for recycling. Please remove pull tab (for support to Ronald McDonald House), bring items sorted in plastic bags. Proceeds from cans and bottles will go to the Quilting Fund. Thanks!
SCHOOL CABINET AND FOOD PANTRY: Thank you to those who donate to our food pantry. Thank you for your help and support!
GREETERS/USHERS: We are starting up our greeter and usher programs again, so if your are interested in participant, there will be a sign-up sheet in the lobby. Your service would be greatly appreciated.