(951) 924-4688 Office
pastor@svlcmoval.net - Pastor Paul
office@svlcmoval.net - Barbi Luhnow

Join Us Online for our livestream Service
Sundays at 9:30 am on Facebook
Services can be found later on YouTube
Click on images above to go visit our pages
WORSHIP SERVICES In Person and Online each Sunday
We celebrate COMMUNION on the first and third Sundays each month at our 9:30 am service.
Contact the office if you'd like to receive communion
outside of our in-person service.
Sign up for E-News: To receive our weekly announcements,
important news and/or our prayer chain please subscribe below.
You can choose what email list you'd like to receive.
(951) 924-4688 Office
pastor@svlcmoval.net - Pastor Paul
office@svlcmoval.net - Barbi Luhnow

Join Us Online for our livestream Service
Sundays at 9:30 am on Facebook
Services can be found later on YouTube
Click on images above to go visit our pages
WORSHIP SERVICES In Person and Online each Sunday
We celebrate COMMUNION on the first and third Sundays each month at our 9:30 am service.
Contact the office if you'd like to receive communion
outside of our in-person service.
Sign up for E-News: To receive our weekly announcements,
important news and/or our prayer chain please subscribe below.
You can choose what email list you'd like to receive.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Bible study begins at 10:45 AM every other Sunday.
You can join our bible in-person in the Fellowship Hall.
Join us online here.
Sign up for email notifications
Email us at office@svlcmoval.net
to receive our regular emails.

Welcome to the Shepherd of the Valley
Lutheran Church and School website.
We are a loving and caring family of worshipers
in Moreno Valley who strive to reach out to our community and each other.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Bible study begins at 10:45 AM every other Sunday.
You can join our bible in-person in the Fellowship Hall.
Join us online here.
Sign up for email notifications
Email us at office@svlcmoval.net
to receive our regular emails.

Welcome to the Shepherd of the Valley
Lutheran Church and School website.
We are a loving and caring family of worshipers
in Moreno Valley who strive to reach out to our community and each other.
VBS 2023 will be from July 10th through July 14th, from 9:30am to 12:00pm, for Pre-K through 5th grade.
If you do not have a home church, please come join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30am.
Or join us for our livestream Service Sundays at 9:30 am on Facebook.